Linda Ruth: President, PSCS Consulting

Linda photo

Linda has over 30 years of experience in magazine marketing, and has held management positions at major magazine publishers, including McGraw Hill and IDG. An expert in internet marketing, she developed the discipline of OAO (Online Audience Optimization), and has pioneered the use of gamification for publishers. She is the author of Secrets of SEO for Publishers and other books for publishing professionals. Linda has long been interested in educating publishers. She has conducted seminars for publishers, trade associations, and universities nationwide, including American Express, Future Network USA, Success Magazine, National Wildlife, Harris Publishing, Pennwell Publishing, Hope Magazine, A&E’s Biography, Time Ventures, Time 4 Media, Blue Dolphin, and the Lighthouse Publishing Group, Folio and Publishing Executive.

As President and CEO of her consulting firm, PSCS Consulting in Peterborough, New Hampshire, Linda offers advice on the keys to audience development at retail and online. At PSCS Consulting, Linda and the industry professionals she employs have helped more than 100 publishers create effective marketing plans, enabling them to maximize their audience development efforts. She has helped launch dozens of new publications.

Ms. Ruth is one of the original founders of Exceptional Women in Publishing ( and a current board member. She is a member of the Folio Advisory Board, and her contributions have been recognized with the Folio Ozzie award. For years, Linda has imparted magazine marketing secrets through regular columns in numerous industry trade publications. In addition to her work for individual clients, Linda is also President of Newsstands of America, a retail coop of independent bookstores. Her books may be found on


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