Augmented Reality for Publishers
According to, Augmented Reality was originally invented by a gentleman by the name of Ivan Sutherland in 1968, however the term was not coined until the 90s by Tom Caudell and David Missel.
Augmented Reality (AR) is the process of layering of media, everything from video, music, text, picture, graphics, animation, on top of a live video feed or real world environment in real time to create an interactive experience. How cool right?
Augmented reality can be used for a number of different functions that include marketing, magazines, gaming, GPS systems and much more. The technology is considered well established because it has been around for decades, but it is just now starting to be used to it’s full potential.
There are many iphone and droid apps that allow users to create an interactive view from their mobile device camera and view information about the surrounding area. Augmented reality is not just some passing trend. It is real, and a huge marketing industry awaits. Tech analyst firm Juniper Research estimates that AR apps will generate close to$300 million in global revenue next year (Mashable).
How can Augmented Reality and Print come together?
National Geographic Magazine used augmented reality in 2009 to combine apps that use geographic locations and photographs to tell information about the user’s location such as constellations, restaurant reviews, and updated local crime information.
To make money from this app National Geographic could have charged each vendor, restaurant or store they featured on the app. Augmented Reality apps could be used as a new type of advertising venue as well as informational on the company the app is associated with. Not only can publishers charge for companies to be featured in the magazine, but also they can charge for companies to be featured on the augmented reality app.
Augmented Reality and Print Media
Print and digital media are no longer mutually exclusive…
Print is not dead. It is time for business to optimize their websites and apps to interact with magazines and newspapers. Magazines such as Maxim and Esquire, are making interactive covers and insets. The magazines place codes on special pages to be scanned. An example of this is a fashion page that uses their app. The user is directly linked to a fashion show featuring the clothes, or an online store to buy the clothes.
Expanding on what National Geographic did above, using augmented reality in combination with geolocation technology, can only benefit companies. Ads can further be enhanced by not only showing a picture of a hotel, but a video of people having fun during the summer at the hotel. A restaurant or bar ad can be enhanced with daily or weekly specials and coupon deals. The amount of opportunities for advertising and revenue are infinite, and augmented reality also has the new appeal of modern technology, so incorporating it will only enhance the publication’s image.
Making Money with Augmented Reality
Because augmented reality can be used in print to offer further information about a company, venue or special, it can be charged for like advertising.
Here are some examples of how businesses can use augmented reality…
- Restaurants and Bars:
Enhance ads with specials and coupons, this enhancement can be charged for as an upgrade to a regular space advertisement.
- Hotels, Music Venues and Spas:
Use augmented reality to not only advertise one picture of their space or offers, as print formerly offered, but create a video that shows off the whole area or the whole menu of specials.
- Video/Commercials:
Any ad that was formerly perceived to be better on television can now be attached to the print ad. This video attachment to the print via augmented reality is not only better for a comprehensive understanding for the consumer, but it is also getting more value out of the cost of production for the original commercial. By not only using the commercial on tv or on the website or blog, and putting it as an attachment to a magazine ad, the company looks more ‘in the know’ about current technology and gets more value out of their commercial.
- Editorial Content:
By incorporating mobile augmented reality into editorial content, readers can unlock behind the scenes video, or special discounts and deals by pointing their device at the page. This is a unique opportunity to mobilize content for readers.
Augmented Reality examples of how magazines and advertisers are using the technology
Augmented Reality and Shweiki Media
Shweiki Media has been printing and publishing magazines since 1988. Now, with Shweiki MediAR, print has never been so alive.
It’s a fast and easy way for niche magazines to connect with local businesses to find local events, offers and listings; unlock augmented content on images and objects to play games or experience new virtual interactions.
Don’t miss your chance to truly interact with a magazine. Watch as we will be rolling out new enhanced features in the months to come.
Download Shweiki MediAR now and explore niche magazines with Augmented Reality.
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Download Shweiki MediAR now and explore Augmented Reality for publishers today.