How to Use LinkedIn’s Recommendation Feature



Launched in May of 2003, LinkedIn has become one of the largest online platforms for professionals to use to connect. Here Shweiki teams up with international speaker, author and LinkedIn expert, Kevin Knebl,  to present a must-watch webinar on the proper way to use LinkedIn’s recommendation feature.

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Most people are familiar with LinkedIn’s endorsement feature, but few realize that a written testimonial is far more powerful than pressing a button. Make it a goal to gain recommendations, because if someone says they are good at something, it is seen as arrogant, but when someone else makes a recommendation, it greatly increases the credibility of the potential candidate.


-Recommendations should be put in the headline.  If good recommendations have been made about someone then future employers should know.

-One should make sure to ask someone who is in a credible position to give a recommendation.

-One good way to keep ideas and different styles of recommendations together is making a LinkedIn-related folder. The templates should not be written in an intrusive or salesman-like way.


1. Log in to LinkedIn.

2. Go to “Settings.”

3. Go to “Privacy.”

4. Click “Manage Your Recommendations.”

5. Open “Ask For Recommendations.”

6. Pick something to be recommended for.

7. Pick who to be recommended by.

8. Insert request from template.

9. Send.

Things to Remember

-LinkedIn will give a person the choice to keep or discard a recommendation.

-It’s important to ensure that the person who asked for a recommendation is someone who is in a position to give one. If so, one should give them a recommendation first. LinkedIn will then prompt the other person to reciprocate and give a recommendation in return.

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Kevin Knebl

Kevin Knebl, Knebl Communications, LLC
Kevin is an author, coach, and an in-demand speaker on Online and Offline Networking, Relationship Building, LinkedIn and Twitter. To get more information about Kevin Knebl, visit his website at

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