If you have a website, one of your main concerns is how to get people to find it. You want to do all that you can to improve your search engine rankings, but your in-depth research into the topic of SEO makes your brain feel like it will explode.
Fortunately, we have experts like Stephan Spencer who can help us understand not only the importance of SEO, but show us how to implement incredibly useful practices.
In our podcast together, Stephan shared some of the low-hanging fruit of SEO. In other words, simple steps you can take right now to start improving your rankings quickly.
Low-Hanging SEO Fruit – 2 Areas to Improve on Your Website Right Now
Stephan’s book The Art of SEO has made him one of the premier names in the world of SEO, garnering respect and admiration from the likes of Seth Godin and Tony Hsieh.
So, when Stephan offers some easy advice – jump at the opportunity to take it.
Here’s just a tidbit of the advice he offered during our conversation.
1. Your Site’s Speed
The speed of your website should be one of the first things that you focus on. There’s nothing more annoying to people than a website that takes forever to load.
Stephan recommends using a tool like webpagetest.org or even Page Speed Insights from Google. These tools will tell you how well your page is performing. Making a simple fix to improve the speed will definitely help your SEO efforts.
2. Broken Links/404 File Not Found Pages
No business should have broken links. You’ve probably come across this before. You’re reading a blog and there’s a hyperlink that is supposed to send you to another page or blog that has even more information for you to soak in. But once you get there, you get the message: “404 File Not Found.”
This can happen when people update their pages and can lead to a lot of missed opportunities, like missing out on the page rank or link equity that was flowing to your site through that page.
One of the best ways you can find out if you have any broken links is to go into Google Search Console. This tool not only shows you if you have any broken links, it provides an abundance of data analysis that can help you see what people do when they land on your website.
Take Care of These Issues Now to Get the Rankings Needle Moving
A lot of business owners put off working on the SEO of their website because it seems like such a daunting project.
The great thing about my conversation with Stephan is that he showed us that it doesn’t take a lot of time, effort, or money to get the rankings needle moving in the right direction.
Put these tips into practice today, and then when you’re ready, you can focus on improving your rankings even more – on your own or with the help of an SEO expert like Stephan.
Would you like more information from Stephan about how to improve your SEO endeavors? Check out his book The Art of SEO – otherwise known as the SEO Bible. You’ll get a ton of useful information.