Should You Pay for Social Media Advertising? Julia McCoy Provides Some Insight
Julia McCoy is someone who has one of those success stories we all covet. Her story is part luck, part hard work. She got into online copywriting at just the right time, which allowed her to form a content creation company that now provides services to customers worldwide.
But she also took a lot of time to teach herself how to write for SEO in a way that appeals to actual human readers. And she continues to educate herself and the writers on her team.
One thing that impressed me about Julia is that she has had success without social media advertising, at least at the very beginning. Most marketing experts will tell you that you need to invest in social media advertising to be successful like making a good Facebook Ad copy. I asked Julia what she thought in a recent podcast.
Why Investing in Paid Social Media Ads Might be the Best Decision
Now, before I get carried away here, let me first explain what I’m talking about. Social media ads are not the same as social media posts.
Julia is very active on social media, particularly Twitter. (Hint: You should definitely follow her to get great content and marketing insights).
Social media advertisements, however, are something that you have to pay for. These ads show up in the feeds of your followers and your target market.
A lot of marketing experts say that investing in these ads is vital to success. What did Julia have to say?
Julia’s recommendation is this – if you’re just starting out and don’t have an audience, investing in social media ads might be a really good idea. She recently did some research on Facebook ads and she was impressed that the return is really high right now.
How much money should you spend? Well, definitely not all of your marketing fund, that’s for sure. And as for the platform she would recommend, she said she would say “put some dollars” into Facebook advertising.
It doesn’t have to take very much to get a promising lead to read your content.
Julia went on to explain, too, that while she didn’t use social media ads to promote Express Writers (her content creation agency), she has been using it to promote her new course.
She launched a content strategy course last year and Julia is convinced that one of the reasons her launch was so successful was because she chose to invest in social media advertising.
Spend Your Dollars Wisely to Get More Return for Your Money
If you’re interested in trying social media advertising, focus your efforts on Facebook and Instagram. They have fantastic targeting capabilities, allowing you access to your ideal target market.
Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are slowly improving their targeting options in an effort to catch up on Facebook and Instagram. But for now, they’re still not the most effective choices.
You’ve worked hard for your money and you definitely don’t want to throw it away. Put it towards the platform that is going to give you the most bang for your buck.
If you’re starting out as a writer and feel confused by all of the tips available online, invest in Julia’s book So You Think You Can Write? It will give you the confidence to create amazing, relevant content.