Top 5 questions to ask when hiring an internet consultant...
1. What is your primary business sector of focus? Be wary of any internet consultant that is trying to wear to many hats.
2. Tell me about your largest and smallest project? A quality internet consultant will offer solid advice no matter the size of your budget or company.
3. How many past clients can I speak with? Many people like to play the role of an internet consultant. Ask for references. This sounds pretty basic, yet most people do not follow up and call or email references.
4. Are you a strategist or a web developer? There is a distinct difference between the two roles/jobs. When seeking advice from an internet consultant, you want a combination of both a strategist and a person that can offer technical advice. Ideas are great, but if they do not know how to guide the implementation, you will waste time and money.
5. May I review your contract up front? Internet consultants worth their salt will offer you their contract for review. Read it and ask questions. Fees, roles and responsibilities should be clearly spelled out. Also, ask about confidentiality clauses and time lines.
Ask a ton of questions from your prospective internet consultant. They should be willing to entertain them all. You are placing your faith and trust in their advice, so never be afraid to ask questions.