InSite is our Prepress portal that let’s you create and manage your print jobs with Shweiki Media. This first video tutorial walks you through logging in, creating a job and uploading files to a job. Just follow along with the video tutorial or follow these hassle-free instructions.
Logging In
1. Visit InSite at
2. Enter your Username (provided by Shweiki Media)
3. Enter you Passoword (a default password is provided by Shweiki Media. Please change this to your own password. Don’t forget it ; ) )
Create Job
1. From the Overview page (once you’ve logged into InSite) click on the “Create Job” button at the right and near the top of the page (see fig. 1). Or from the Jobs page click on the “Create Job” button near the left and top of the page (see fig. 2)

2. You may enter the Job Name and add any notes that are particular for this job.
3. Click on “Create” near the bottom and right of the page (see fig. 3)

Uploading Files
1. In any job, click on the “Upload Files…” button near the top and to the left (see fig. 4)

2. For the applet verification popup, check the box that validates the certificate from the Kodak Eastman company (see fig. 5)

3. In the Upload Files dialog box you can name the set of uploads, such as “For Proofs” or “Final Corrections.”
4. You can either drag-and-drop PDFs into the dialog box or use the “Add Files” button (the button has a Page with a plus sign (+) in it) to add files to upload. Once all the PDFs are selected you can click on “Upload” (see fig. 6)

5. The time it takes to upload depends on the size of your files and the speed of your internet connection.
For more help, contact us at [email protected]
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