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How to Have Stress-Free Ad Design
Many people believe that when ads don’t work that the publisher is to blame, this however is false. It is not the magazine that is the problem, it’s the ad itself. If you can’t keep customers then in face your job needs to have a better ad sales rep. Your job is not expected to design ads, but you do need to give good copy to your art department to create effective advertising for your company. There needs to be harmony between the sales person and the art designer on what they ad should be about.
Why Bother?
Garbage In, Garbage Out. If the ads your getting are not what you need it very well may be because the artist is getting lack of explanation from the sales rep. By creating good ads for your customers, you are going to last longer and have less cancellations. In turn, this creates reinforcement in your customers and increases your longevity. Having an effective ad can increase your number of advertisers, increase revenue and enhance your image. It is important to create appropriate ads that will effectively reach your audience.
What Should You Do First?
Go in with a questionnaire that are vital about the ad.
– Ask them what their goal is.
– Ask them what are their major strengths?
– What do customers say about your company?
– Why did they choose you?
– What is your typical customer?
– If you can say one thing about your business, what would you say?
Asking these questions and letting them talk will get you a headline. Knowing more about the typical customers and their demographics/psychographics will all help to determine the shape, color, theme, style and overall architecture of the ads. These answers will also be vital to see if they want to choose you and if you can guide them in the right direction.
The Do-Not’s in Ad Making
– Don’t leave the readers curious. Let them know what you are all about.
– Don’t be cutesy, unless you are dealing with teenagers.
– Don’t use any special gimmicks, they are not very effective.
– Don’t be misleading, show the appropriate images and proper content.
– Don’t be cliche, because they are not credible nor sincere.
– Don’t be negative in your ad, this only works when talking about a fearful situation.
Attention. You need a way to get peoples attention through your headline. The headlines job is to stop the reader, putting your company name up there is not going to create interest. Three things that make people stop and read ads: Headlines, captions, photos. Five times more people read headlines then body copy. If you do nothing else but write a good headline, you are going to have more impact and results in your ads then you will if you don’t Note: It is not the artists job to do this, they are not copy writers, it is your job as a sales person to to tell them this.
Interest and Desire. This is where your body copy comes in handy. It informs or educates the reader, helps persuade and remind people what they need to know and builds confidence. People will read an ad the way they will read a book, preferably without bullet points, if it interests them. Make sure your writing about what the reader cares about such as prestige, enjoyment, leisure, comfort, popularity, sex, attractive, security, saving or making money. When you identify what it is the reader is looking for then you get that attention. When you write your body copy, write it as if only one person will ever see it. Remember to read your body copy at least three times. Clarity is your credibility.
Action. End with a good reason to act NOW.
When you find something that works, make sure to keep repeating the style of that ad. And always sell what sells best.
Jeane Rubin, has successfully increased magazine advertising sales revenues and profits as a Rep, Advertising Director, Publisher (now as a trainer)– Home of Stress-Free Selling®