Why your business needs an e-Newsletter
e-Newsletters are key to attracting new advertisers. Through your e-Newsletter you can push relevant information and have immediate impact. Learn how to create a successful e-Newsletter while gaining profit.
The Good News
35% of your online revenue is going to come from your e-Newsletter. The letters are very easy to sell. Advertisers already understand how email works overall and will not be confused on what to do. Plus, sending out information about new products gets advertisers excited. Use fliers or postcards to promote your e-Newsletters, then use your e-Newsletter to promote your magazine.
Gathering e-Mails
It is important to remember that your only going to be as successful if you are committed to your company and you want to expand and bring in more revenue. Your company should gather e-Mails and send out surveys to those on the list to help gather new information. Giving incentives to signing up is always the most effective way to do this.
An interesting way not to lose customers is to hold “contests” once a month where your subscribers can win prizes just for receiving your email. Remember, if someone is constantly subscribing it means they are very interested in what your company has to offer. Make sure to incorporate social media into your contests as well. Social media will help your e-Newsletter content reach more people.
Use a Top Tier Collection System
Cheap is not always better. You want a provider that is going to give you at least a 90% response from your audience. You do not want a provider that is going to be spamming your subscribers because they will unsubscribe.
Double Opt-In
Some people are skeptic whether they should give the option of opting-in twice to subscribe. It is a great idea. When you ask someone for permission two times if they are sure they want to receive your e-Newsletter, they are obviously interested in your content.
The Rule of 3
Everything in life happens in three degrees. We live in a 3D world, there are 3 legs on a stool. Why should e-Mails be any different? Break your e-Mails into 3 lists, send one e-Mail to each subscriber per month. It is very important to make sure that all 3 emails are 100% of the same niche and have the same topic. Brainstorm about what each e-Mail should be about that will not lose subscribers. Have an e-Newsletter that talks about “New Services” and one about “New Products.” The best part about these 2 letters is that the advertiser will provide most of the information and you do not need to be looking for someone to write the content.
Press Releases
How many press releases do you get in a 30 day period? I typically receive about 35-40 press releases from various magazines each of which have a new product and want you to put them in their press release. These types of people are prime for e-Newsletter, you can add them to the “New Product” e-Mail and charge them a fee. Most advertisers will do this because they want their product out there immediately.
e-Newsletter Calendar
Create a calendar. Brainstorm the topics. Set a goal of three. Assign who is going to collect all of this information. Remember to know all of your numbers and who your content is reaching because every prospective advertiser will ask you this.
Ryan Dohrn, CEO of Brain Swell Media LLC
Ryan Dohrn is an Emmy award winning TV producer, has overseen over 3,000 Web site builds, is a nationally acclaimed speaker, has been featured in USA Today, on ABC, CBS and FOX TV stations, on Forbes.com and has personally impacted millions of dollars in online and related media revenues for media companies large and small.