8 Things in Content Marketing You Should Be Talking to Your Customers About. Click here to play.
In today’s session you will learn the latest research on what’s happening with content marketing. Plus! 8 things to chat with your customers about.
[35 MIN]
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is marketers as publishers. It’s owning the media, not renting the media. It’s the ability to attract and/or retain customers by creating or curating valuable and compelling content on a consistent basis to maintain or change a behavior.
Story Telling
Story telling has become the center of content marketing. Search engine optimization, lead generation, and social media all rely on good, compelling stories. To be successful in these areas, one must generate interesting content.
Eight things to discuss with your customers about content marketing:
1. Establishing One Goal to fix or make better.
2. How to reimagine content.
3. Take the visual content audit.
4. Clearly identify the roles of a marketing team.
5. Test a niche to become the leading resource for your customers in that area.
6. Parter with your customers if you have to…
7. Or Buy the leading trade media company.
8. Reach out to content creators and influencers.
Your customers as publishers
What does your audience really need to know?
Share good content (the best in your industry) with clear goals.
It’s almost never about you (your story needs to be about your customers).
What are your content roles?
Meet today’s expert, Joe Pulizzi founder of Content Marketing Institute, Content Marketing Evangelist Speaker, Author, Coach and Entrepreneur.