No matter what type of business you are, if you’re making a newsletter, it’s crucial that you use the proper technique! The right approach makes it easier to gain both the attention and loyalty of your readers (who, honestly, are more than likely have very short attention spans). So, here are seven tips to take your newsletter from awful to awesome!
Tip #1 – Keep it functional, but make it look sharp!
The first thing your readers’ eyes are going to notice is the visual layout of your newsletter. No matter how great the newsletter’s content is, if the visual layout is unappealing, readers are likely to ignore it altogether. Translation? Don’t cut any corners! Take the time to use high-quality photos and graphics to provide your readers with good, enjoyable imagery. If you have the means to take high-quality photos of your product or service, then by all means, do it. If you have a logo, include it! You would be surprised how much of a difference is made with the use of clean, nice looking imagery to capture (and please) the eyes of your audience. On that note, it’s not all about looks. Make sure not to waste all of your time making something look amazing if it’s something people will never be able to figure out how to use; make your newsletter easily maneuverable and user friendly with easily detectable links and navigation.
Tip #2 – Hook readers with your titles!
It may seem obvious, but it warrants a mention: It’s human nature to gravitate towards what we like. That said, if something is remotely irrelevant or boring, let’s be real–we’re going to skip right over it. That said, just like if you were producing a magazine, headlines and titles are important, so be creative! Don’t tell your reader everything, but don’t be too broad or–even worse–boring. Be slightly mysterious with a splash of cleverness/wit/humor to attract attention and garner interest. You want to take full advantage of the 2-3 seconds you have when your reader’s brain is making a decision, so try to think a little outside the box with your title. Whether you made your reader chuckle for a second or perhaps even initiated a harmless argumentative response, getting their attention is the first battle. Once you’ve won that one, you’re already ahead of the game.
Tip #3 – Make Your Newsletter Personal.
It’s no secret that the main objective of a newsletter is to communicate your business to a mass audience. However, you don’t want your newsletter to make that painfully obvious to the readers. Even though you’re trying to appeal to a big group of readers, keep in mind that they’re all individuals and you want it to feel personal. It’s important that the readers of your newsletters feel that you are connecting with them as people and that you’re in tune with what they like. This is why it’s also important to incorporate a somewhat FUN and ENTERTAINING approach. Don’t forget that your readers are generously offering their time to you, and it’s your job to show your appreciation through your presentation.
Tip #4 – Have FUN with it!
Yes, that’s right… FUN. You want to enjoy what you’re working on, and if you do, that will show through to your readers. (On the other end of the spectrum, if setting up your newsletter makes you miserable, odds are that it probably shines through to your audience.) That said, try not to worry so much about your readers dissecting and analyzing every little thing you write. If you’re having fun, odds are that they’re having fun. Now, don’t take this too far; in no way does this mean to be inappropriate or go beyond the boundaries of what is socially acceptable (though we know that that can be tempting at times). Instead this means you should think outside the box and let loose a little bit.
Tip #5 – Make it informative, but keep it simple too!
Though we’ve already discussed the importance of making your newsletters unique, there is a key factor to a successful newsletter: INFORMATION! It is crucial that a newsletter provides all the necessary info about your service/product. We’re not saying you should ramble; the easiest way to lose readers’ attention is by giving them too much to read. It’s important to be clear and thorough but to the point with your information. All in all, aim for simple but effective. If you leave your readers thinking and asking questions (“That’s pretty cool, but where do I get that?” or “Do they have a website?” or “What’s the catch?”), then you’re missing very important information about your business that could have potentially landed you a loyal customer.
Tip #6 – When it comes to your schedule, be consistent!
If you start sending out a product that your readers are excited about, they are going to begin looking forward to the daily/monthly/weekly arrival of your newsletter. That said, it’s important that you definitely do not keep them waiting or wondering when–or, even worse, if–your newsletter is coming again. When it comes to the schedule, consistency is key, and it’s important you stick to an exact time and day that each issue of the newsletter is sent out. That gives your readers a time to look forward to!
Tip #7 – Separate Yourself From The Rest.
In most situations, odds are that there is another business out there that either does exactly what you do or something that’s very similar. If that isn’t the case and your business is truly the only one of its kind, then it’s crucial that you capitalize on that and let the world know about your super product or service! However, if you are among the greater majority, you must, must separate yourself from the rest of the competition. One way to do this is by doing something unique that represents your business and what you have to offer. Details are very important, so you should highlight even the smallest things that you do differently than others–the things that make you better and make you stand out among the competition–and include that in your newsletters. Your business is your brainchild, your baby, and a lot of work has been put into making it prosper. You’ve put in the effort to make your business great, so don’t be modest–tell the world what makes it great.