Shweiki Media Printing Company is excited to announce that they’ve once again teamed up with Ryan Dohrn—founder of Brain Swell Media, Publisher of Sales Training World, and creator of the 360 Ad Sales Training system taught to over 4,000 sales people around the globe —to present a webinar on six ways to reignite your passion in sales when you don’t feel like selling.
All the topics of the Sales Training World podcast are based on questions that you all send in. This week’s question regards how to stay on task when you just don’t feel like selling.
Every day is a new day in sales land. I have been in the sales marketing business for 20 years and not every day is a glorious day in sales land. Sometimes, sales representatives will wake up and not want to sell that day and that’s fine. It happens to everyone. I have found six ways to reignite a sales representative’s passion for sales when they fall off the proverbial horse.
- Change the environment: If you are having trouble selling, try looking for a new spot to work such as a coffee shop or a park. Change the scenery to inspire yourself.
- Go back to your core training: For me, I use math to my advantage. Every “no” is one step closer to a “yes.” In my book, “Selling Backwards,” I have a program called “Big 5o.” This is where I work 5o clients every month to get to 10 quality meetings. From those 10 meetings, I try to present 8 solid proposals to close around 4 deals. My close rate is about 50%. Ask yourself, “What is my call to close ratio?” A call to close ratio is how many calls you need to make to get to a meeting. Then, how many meetings do you need to close a deal.
- Non-sales approach: 30-40% of your contacts with clients needs to be non-sales related. Find some great articles that will be applicable to everyone on the client list and then share it with clients and or prospects. When I reach out to customers in a non-sales way, I get a lot of business.
- Seek out inspiration: Go online and find some inspiration such as a Tony Robbins YouTube video or read an inspirational book such as “Motivation Manifesto.” Inspiration will not seek you out, so you need to find it.
- Dress for success and rock it out: This is especially important if you work from home. Get yourself in a good, quality mood by dressing as if you are going to an important meeting or interview. Fake it until you feel it.
- If all else fails, go find some love: When you are feeling down, try calling on parents, family members, friends or even clients that you know really like you to cheer you up. This is another great source of inspiration.
The fact of the matter is, we all fall of the horse now and again. It is just a fact of the sales game. You are not going to want to sale every day but you have to. Take one of these six ways discussed above, and make it happen. In order to succeed in sales, one must work smarter and harder, not just smarter.
I am here to help with sales coaching and sales training for media and tech companies. I have trained over 3,000 salespeople in seven countries. I actively sell each and every day products and services beyond myself. Remember, if sales were easy, everyone would be doing it.
If you have any questions for me or just want to discuss sales, you can reach me at:
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