Hosting the Perfect Live Event



Shweiki Media Printing Company, a printing services company in San Antonio, Texas, was excited to sit down with someone that has made a career out of helping those in magazine publishing, magazine printing, and related fields. Carl Landau has more than 30 years of experience as a niche magazine publisher and event organizer.

He started a sales training program known as Camp Niche and runs the Niche Digital Conference to help publishers increase their online income. In his podcast interview, he discusses how to put on a live event.

Carl knows that live events are important because they are reaching all-time high attendance numbers. People are itching to interact with human beings and build relationships, which is why they attend such events.

Where is the Opportunity?

Landau points out that the first step in hosting a successful live event is to ask where the opportunities are. This means making sure there is a market that has the chance for live events. Also, with a live event, there must be an audience that would be interested in attending.

Then, that audience would attract vendors and sponsors who would benefit from their attendance. A live event must be made to help the company hosting it.

Also, there must be a need for that event. Otherwise, people will not attend. He suggests in-depth market research and asking for opinions before assuming an event will be successful.

Gathering Volunteers

To save on operational costs of the live event, it is important to get volunteers to help. They can help at the registration desk, work as room monitors, and be there to learn, too.

Having staff members to take on certain tasks is also important, especially when it comes to finding a venue for the live event, dealing with the audio equipment, handling programming, and of course selling the booths or sponsorship slots for the event.


Deciding on a Location is Critical

Landau points out that the site is essential, especially if you are hosting a national event. A local event is easier because in that city there will be a venue that can host it. However, national events need to be in a centralized place that is easy to locate and find, but also near hotels so that people coming to the event from other states have amenities close by.

Creating Interactions

Creating interactions and encouraging those at the event to interact is also important. Having an awkward conversation at a dinner table is not the ideal situation. Instead, Landau points out how their next event will be hosted at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. This has interactive exhibits where people can work together as part of the pit crew, and it forces people to step out of their bubble and network.

Also, the more opportunities for networking and fun, the more likely a person is to talk about the event, recommend it to others, and recommend the company that hosted the event.

Keeping It Casual

The event should be casual and fun. People should not be dressing like they are going into a meeting; instead, they should dress so that they are at ease and they can relax and enjoy their time at the event.

Pricing and Offers for the Live Event

Lastly, it is important to consider the price of the live event and what is offered for paying and attending. Landau recommends researching the competition to see what live events they hosted in the past, and how much they charged compared to what they offered in return.

Naturally, a live event should be affordable, but a company needs to earn back some money and potential business. Therefore, it is about weighing the cost of hosting the event to the benefits a person receives to find an appropriate attendance fee.



Carl will be hosting some upcoming events:

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Carl Landau

Carl is the perfect host. He’s made millions starting and selling five niche magazines and two conferences & tradeshows in both the consumer and B-to-B publishing worlds.Carl became famous 15 years ago for sending cats in the mail! He has taught his Camp Niche ad sales seminars to over 3,000 ad sales professionals. This has given him unique insight into the needs of the small-to-medium niche publishers. He started the wildly successful “Publishers Only” Niche Magazine Conference in 2007 and the fast-growing Niche Digital Conference in 2009. His latest super-niche projects are e-Newsletter World conference and Niche Yearbook directory.Carl is bringing the niche media world together!Carl’s most famous inspirational quote: “There’s no “I” in Niche.”

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