Steps to Follow Before Custom Magazine Printing for Your Establishment

Proper planning makes the entire process of magazine production a lot easier. There is lesser creative thinking when the finish line for custom magazine printing is coming closer. On top of the ease it brings, planning also contributes to great time management and reduction of stress which results in greater results.

The type of quality for the target market has to be fixed from the onset and not at the time of custom magazine printing.

Steps to Follow Before Custom Magazine Printing for Your Establishment

Make a Production Schedule

A schedule helps in effective time management of the magazine production. Start making this schedule from the date of custom magazine printing and go backwards to the present stage always careful not to miss obstacles that may cause delays.

Consider design schedule, time for proofreading, deadlines for each submission, ample time for the editorial board, printing deadline and distribution date. Add more considerations as necessary for your production.

Make a Content Plan

The content of the magazine can be well planned if there is a table of contents for every part including the front and back covers. This may take some time but it is important to get it approved by the editorial board.

Every editor has their own process but it is always safe to make plans way ahead of time like planning for the next issue early. This ensure no spaces are left blank if an article or photograph is late.

Make a Detailed Plan for Each Story

After the content plan every story should have a detailed plan you should follow. For this you should consider the content of the story, the type of article that fits the story, ways to make content visually appealing, simple design mock-ups for authors, detailed instructions for the stories and discussing the plan with the authors.

Proofread and Edit the Stories

A lot of times the editor will send the content back to the author for editing and addition of some elements before custom magazine printing. The following should be considered for editing with every story:

  • The headline which could be a daunting task and one to be taken seriously.
  • The lead should be short, attract readers and show them what to follow.
  • The body should be readable, make sense and have clarity.
  • Resolution of images should be up to custom magazine printing standards.
  • Picture captions should motivate readers to dig into the real text.
  • Clear call to action as this is the whole point of a custom magazine.


Final materials will be submitted to designer. Every page should be designed with the bigger picture of the entire magazine in mind. Hang them up and make all necessary changes before custom magazine printing.

A Guide to Custom Magazine Printing for Your Business


Final detailed look has to be given before custom magazine printing can move forward to the actual printing stage. The entire magazine should be thoroughly read from beginning to end, as if reading it for the first time, to ensure there are no errors. If any mistakes are found, designer should make necessary corrections.

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