Pushing Your Prospects’ Buttons: A 5-Step Copywriting Success Formula (Step One)

“The difference between the right word & almost the right word, is the difference between lighting and a lighting bug.”

– Mark Twain.

There is only one “magic bullet” for igniting passion, gaining followers, and making an impact in the lives of others when it comes to getting consumers to respond to a company’s products or services: copy–aka the words one uses to communicate a message.  Here, Shweiki has partnered with author and seasoned copywriter, Debra Jason of The Write Direction, to present a webinar detailing step one of the five-step formula for copywriting. Step one details how to achieve success by connecting with the consumer in a way relevant to their interests through the medium of copywriting.

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When a Company is Going to Write Copy, They Must Ask the Following:

What content grabs the consumer?

Makes them feel understood?

What keeps them reading?


How Can a Company Approach Writing Meaningful Copy?

A business should tap into what is going on in the lives of the consumer by increasing their KLT Factor–

People are more likely to respond to others when they Know, Like and Trust them. Therefore, a company should relate to their prospects in order to gain a greater presence within the marketplace.


5-Step Copywriting Success Formula 

Step 1- Determine the Problem

Before a company attempts to reach out their prospects, it must first identify where their problem lies. It could range from reach and exposure to inconsistencies with content.

The company should then focus on two aspects to create successful copy: the curiosity of the consumer and the ability to appeal to their emotions. This can be done by asking: What keeps them awake at night? Bills? Jobs? Frustration? Illness?

Consumers respond to content that speaks to them, not at them. It helps to remember to market with heart, not hype, in order to empathize with the consumer.

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Debra Jason

A recipient of the Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association's (RMDMA) "Creative Person of the Year Award," Debra Jason started The Write Direction in 1989. Past President of the RMDMA, she is a seasoned direct response copywriter with more than 25 years of experience in the field of direct marketing. Since then she has personally written thousands upon thousands of words for hundreds of clients around the country (and some overseas).

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