If a company is struggling to produce results, it may want to take a look at improving what has the potential to be its most valuable selling point: the copy. Here, Shweiki teams up with author and seasoned copywriter, Debra Jason of The Write Direction, to present the final installment on successful copywriting: getting prospects to respond.
Step 5: Get Prospects to Respond
Jason states that after identifying the problem, pushing prospects’ buttons, creating an “AHA!” Moment, and offering a solution to prospects’ problems, a company must remember that in order to get any results, they must require a call-to-action of the consumer. Should they complete and turn in a registration form? Dial a toll free number? Click the “Buy now!” button? Tips on how to call people to action can be found here.
At the end of the day, a company must remember that authenticity is the key. People want compassion and concern for the trials they face every day; it’s important for a company to demonstrate that. In his book Hypnotic Writing, Joe Vitale expresses the idea that people want to buy from people they like. People want what you have to offer them. They want to transform their lives and you can be there to help.
Moving Forward
Review the copy. Is it pushing buttons? Does it help consumers “see the light of day?” These are important things to determine, discover, and use moving forward to maximize the potential of copy and truly see results.
The webinar featuring step one, which is about determining the problem and tapping into people’s pains and struggles to show empathy and encourage them to realize they need assistance, can be found here. The webinar featuring step two, which is about gaining clarity through the construction of a 30-second statement that clearly outlines a company’s intentions, can be watched here. And the webinar featuring steps 3 and 4 which outline the creation of the “Aha” moment and being able to construct a solution to the prospects’ problems is here.