Battles of the bands, favorite cupcake flavors, cutest babies…
No matter the theme, niche ballots are by nature incredibly focused, and it’s this specificity that makes the niche ballot the perfect promotion type to help one reach both new advertisers and new audiences. Here Shweiki Media teams up with Matt Coen of Second Street to present an explanation of how niche ballots can help one widen their reach and increase revenue, and tips and tricks for utilizing them effectively.
Niche Ballots Help Reach New Advertisers
Niche ballots can increase revenue and even open up new revenue streams by helping one reach new advertisers that one hasn’t worked with in the past—particularly small local business owners who don’t believe they have the budget for traditional media advertising. One can consider, for instance, a niche ballot focused on the local arts scene, with categories like Best Local Art Event, Best Gallery, Best Photographer, and so on. Local galleries are usually unlikely to purchase traditional media advertising because they have small budgets. However, if the ballot theme is relevant to their industry, they know that the audience they will reach with category ads, expanded listings, and even traditional media advertising will be highly desirable for their business. Here are a few other ideas for niche ballot themes, along with the advertisers they’ll appeal to:
- High School Football Awards: sporting good retailers
- Best of Weddings: relevant vendors like venues, bakeries, florists and more
- Battle of the Bands: music stores and concert venues
- Best Places to Eat: local restaurants (or, for example, one could consider being more specific and targeting only local pizzerias for a Best Pizza ballot)
- Top Doctors: hospitals and medical groups
- Best Local Events: real estate agents
By running niche ballots, one enables their company to work more closely with small local businesses that one may not have been able to reach otherwise.
Niche Ballots Help Reach New Audiences
Certain demographics that don’t traditionally engage with local media can be pulled in with a niche ballot promotion focused on a topic they are interested in. For example, one can think about young students voting in a High School Football Awards ballot, or local musicians promoting a Battle of the Bands ballot on their Facebook pages. Younger audiences who may not read the newspaper or watch the news on a regular basis are more likely to pay attention to a promotion relevant to them, providing one with the opportunity to capture their email addresses with an opt-in and continue to market to them in the future. Furthermore, advertisers featured on a ballot are likely to reach out to their own client bases to promote (especially if one encourages them by providing merchant marketing materials), and when advertisers involved in a targeted niche ballot do so, it will help one reach an audience they may not have had access to before.